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Useful Information on RCA Auto Insurance

Useful Information

What information is considered for the RCA offer?

When calculating RCA (Mandatory Car Insurance) rates, several factors are taken into account, including the vehicle category, engine capacity, maximum authorized mass, fuel type, brand, model, locality, and the insured's bonus-malus class (this class accounts for the insured's history of damages and accidents). Among the factors listed, the Bonus Malus class and the type of vehicle can significantly change the final price. Therefore, entering all this data is necessary to determine the correct rate.

How can the RCA be paid?

There is no difference between policies purchased online and those bought from brokers. Once you have completed all the online steps, you are redirected to make the payment. The payment method involves using a credit or debit card.

How long does it take to receive the RCA policy?

After payment, the insurance policy is automatically issued to your email address. If needed, you can print it yourself. According to new laws, it can be printed on white paper (printing on green paper is no longer mandatory).

Does the Green Card need to be green?

From July 1, 2020, the Romanian Bureau of Motor Insurers (BAAR) decided that the international travel document is no longer green but white, printed on a standard A4 sheet. Thus, for travels outside the European Union, you must have the Green Card (international travel insurance) printed on a standard white A4 sheet. Within the European Union, it is sufficient to have access to the policy in electronic format. Official information can be consulted here:

What is Amicable Report and how is it executed?

The Amicable Report is a legal process, in the event of a traffic accident, which is carried out without the presence of a road police crew or a trip to the police station for minor accidents. It is a tool for quickly resolving minor damages that simultaneously meet the following characteristics: maximum two vehicles involved, no bodily injuries, and where the culprit is known and shared by both parties. When filling out the form, it is important to give it attention for clarity to accurately represent the facts. It is recommended to take some pictures of both cars involved before clearing the traffic.

Is the insurance made in the name of the owner in the registration certificate or the driver?

An RCA insurance policy is valid only if the policy data reflects reality. Therefore, it is important that all the owner's data, exactly as in the registration certificate, including the personal identification number or the unique identification code, are entered. The policy only lists the owner, and you can be considered an owner only if you have a sales contract for that asset. When using someone else's car, you need to make the policy in that person/entity's name.

Is the electronic RCA policy considered original?

RCA policies are issued electronically and are considered original if issued by an insurance company authorized by ASF (Financial Supervisory Authority). They are valid in electronic format or printed on a standard white A4 sheet. Starting from September 10, 2020, the requirement to present the policy in printed format is eliminated. Drivers can prove the conclusion of the RCA insurance also by presenting an electronic document with the issued policy, in case of a Police check. Although the requirement to present the policy in printed format is eliminated, the electronic document has the same legal value.

Am I alerted when the RCA expires?

The platform facilitates expiration alerts sent in advance, the car data is saved, and for clients, the entire purchase process takes just a few seconds. You can manually set the alert at the following link:

What is the bonus-malus system?

The Bonus Malus system rewards customers without damages and punishes those who cause damages with an increase. B8 means a 50% reduction from the base tariff, and M8 means an 80% increase. B0=base tariff, B1-5%, B2-10%, B3-15%, B4-20%, B5-25%, B6-30%, B7-40%, B8-50%.

What damages does the RCA policy cover?

The mandatory car insurance policy (RCA) covers material damages as well as bodily and moral damages.

What are the steps in case of damage?

For minor damages, amiably reports are filled out, and then the guilty party contacts the Insurer. On the insurance policy or the insurer's website, you can find updated phone numbers where you need to call. In case of more serious damages or when parties do not agree, a police report must be made.

How soon does an RCA come into effect?

An RCA insurance can only be taken starting from the next day. The earliest from the day following the conclusion of the RCA policy. You can place an order with validity from the next day until 21:30 each day, 365 days a year.

For what period can the RCA be concluded?

Online, it can be concluded for 1, 2, 3,

 6, 9, or 12 months. For other periods, go to our agencies or those of the insurers.

Will I receive compensation from the insurer if the culprit was under the influence?

Yes, the insurer must compensate regardless of the state of intoxication of the driver guilty of the accident.

The author of the accident flees or is unknown. What do I do?

You are legally obligated to take the license plate number and report it within 24 hours to the police station. You will be compensated only if the author is known. If you find your car hit in the parking lot and the author is unknown, you will have to repair your car.

How do I contact

The services provided by the website are ensured by SMS TICKETING S.R.L with its legal headquarters in Cluj Napoca, Str. Decebal, Nr. 69, registered at the Trade Registry under number J12/1288/2017, Fiscal Identification Code RO37307986

Phone/Fax: (004) 0264.593.707

Phone: (004) 0732.773.773

Address: Cluj-Napoca, Str. Decebal, Nr. 69

Hours: Monday - Friday, 08:00 - 17:00 except on legal holidays

What is the last valid day of the policy?

The last valid day of the policy is the last day of insurance mentioned in the RCA insurance policy received from the Insurer. You can check the policy's validity on the AIDAA - Auto Insurance Data History Administration website at

Can I recover the RCA money if I sell the car?

If you've sold the car, the RCA is still valid and hasn't been used for paying any damages, you can recover the insurance premium for the remaining uninsured period. For recovery, you need the RCA policy, the sales contract or sales invoice, and a certificate from the tax office stating the car was deregistered. With these scanned documents, you can contact the insurer to recover the money for the remaining uninsured period.

Why is proof of fiscal registration required for the RCA for registration purposes?

For registration purposes, it is a requirement according to current legislation, and the policy cannot be issued without it, except for new cars not picked up from the dealer. In this case, the dealer will provide you with the chassis series based on which you will issue an RCA policy for registration purposes, the car already having temporary red plates.

What do I do if I notice an error on the RCA policy?

For this situation, you can address the broker listed on the RCA insurance policy. You will send an email presenting the errors and documents that prove the accuracy of the correct data: the car's registration certificate and the insured's identity card.

What is direct compensation?

Direct compensation is the option by which, if you are involved in an accident where you are the injured third party, you can directly address your RCA insurer for compensation for material damages without needing to address the insurer of the person at fault. Of course, the preliminary formalities, amicable report, or police report must be prepared in advance.

What is a claims certificate?

It is a document you can obtain from BAAR - Romanian Bureau of Car Insurers ( or from your last insurer and consists of a certification of the existence or absence of claims for a certain period.

News bonus malus class for individuals

It's important to know that if you have multiple cars registered to an individual, at renewal, all will have the most favorable bonus class among all the cars owned. Also, when buying a new one, it will have the most favorable bonus class as well.

What does the driver's declaration field on the policy signify?

This field is optional. Anyone you deem appropriate can use your car without being listed in that field. RCA insurances in Romania are issued for the car and not for the driver.