Bilgisayar vinyetlerin Romanya -
Calculator roviniete Romania

Online Vignette

Purchase vignette online - Vignette calculator for Romania • Online Vignette

Purchase your vignette online HERE!

The website is authorized by the National Company for Road Infrastructure Administration (C.N.A.I.R. S.A.)

The services provided by the website are ensured by SMS TICKETING SRL, with its headquarters in Cluj Napoca, Str. Decebal, Nr. 69, registered at the Trade Register under the number J12/1288/2017 and Unique Fiscal Registration Code RO37307986.


The vignette fee includes VAT and free delivery via email! No additional fees are charged for the vignette!


Phone: 0732773774
Address: Cluj-Napoca, Str. Decebal, Nr. 69
Schedule: Monday - Friday, 08:00 - 17:00, excluding legal holidays

You can purchase vignettes online by following these steps:

a. Select the product you wish to purchase after calculating from the Online Vignette Calculator and click the CONTINUE button;

b. Enter your details:

These details are necessary for the correct and efficient processing of your order. Personal information is not transferred to third parties. Please ensure you fill out the form correctly and indicate the individuals for billing and delivery. The email address is extremely important as the information related to the order and the ordered products will be sent via email. An incorrect email address slows down the entire product ordering process. Moreover, our company will not be able to contact you and inform you about the status of your order.

c. Choose your payment method:

Payment by debit/credit card

Online payments through cards are processed by PayU, and the issuance of the vignette and its electronic dispatch will be done after receiving payment confirmation from the processor.

Payment by bank transfer

For orders you have chosen to pay by bank transfer, the issuance of the vignette will only be done after the confirmation of the crediting of our company's account with the transferred amount. You can confirm the payment by sending a copy of the payment order via email: orders @

The fiscal invoice along with the electronic vignette will be sent exclusively to your email address. Optionally, you can receive them at your home or workplace (but only if there is a written request from you) by courier with payment upon delivery.

Payment through BT24 Transilvania Bank or 24 Banking BCR

Payments processing is done by PayU, and the issuance of the vignette and its electronic dispatch will be done after receiving payment confirmation from the processor.

100% FREE online services!
Immediate delivery!

The vignette fee includes VAT and free delivery via email! No additional fees are charged for the vignette!